Five Nights At Treasure Island

this page is a wip! will be finished soon
what is fnati?
Five Nights at Treasure Island (fnati) is a fnaf fangame developed by the Radience Team, and originally created by AnArt1996. Its had a considerably long run since its creation (mostly due to the fact that its been trapped in development hell for like 8-9 years lol) and its amazing to finally see it have concrete lore and storyline!

The game follows Jake Smith as he reaserches the creatures on the island and search for the previous intern, named Henry Miller, who has gone missing on the island.

In the sequel, Oblitus casa, it picks up right after the 1st game and covers what jakes been doin for the past 3 months

what it means to me

Sed rutrum a turpis sit amet volutpat. Aliquam congue risus sed sem gravida tincidunt. Fusce pretium dui nec elit dictum mollis. In vitae tellus nec metus eleifend sodales. Phasellus ut commodo libero, nec blandit tortor. Nunc dignissim ligula in pulvinar suscipit. Vestibulum ut nisl risus. Sed velit quam, pellentesque ac nunc non, facilisis accumsan purus. Nam tempus eros nec mollis vestibulum. Vivamus non tempus eros. Sed aliquet interdum ante, in aliquet leo fringilla ut. Nulla vestibulum neque lacus, ut faucibus est maximus et. In cursus posuere metus eu venenatis. Fusce porttitor lacinia semper. Curabitur pretium tellus vitae tortor rhoncus, quis suscipit dolor tristique.